Historical Documentation from Tackle Manufacturers
Almost 1000 tackle catalogs, flyers, brochures, box catalogs, and other fishing tackle related documents are available to paid, active club members. The Index of the material is publicly available. Click here to access our master index.
Please note that some of the material in was scanned in the mid-1990s from photocopies made in the 1970s and 1980s. Thus, they are not as pristine as they would be today as scanner technology has advanced. Quality will vary from catalog to catalog. The files have been converted to the universal PDF format. Material that was more recently scanned and converted to PDF has many pages in full color.
Click here to access the NFLCC Archives, with links to each individual document (requires current NFLCC paid membership).
Club Historical Information
Additional information from the Club’s archives is linked here (available to the public):